Teddy Bear Museum N Seoul Tower

테디베어뮤지엄테디베어뮤지엄 2

↑These are ma pictures with teddy bears including the supremely luxurious Louis Vuitton bear. >_<

You can find more information about teddy bear museum at http://www.teddybearmuseum.com/

4 Responses to “Teddy Bear Museum N Seoul Tower”

  1. Who is that girl! ^^*
    Wow! I want to go there, too. It is very B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l!
    What is the name of it hanging on the ceiling with a green color?
    Hmm. is it not hanged? I’m so wondering.
    Please tell me about the green-something.

  2. I really want to go to this museum. I saw this in my Korean travel guide and was amazed that there is such a museum. 🙂

  3. Hi. I’m Jung min.
    Wow. the blog is really nice~
    The teddy bear museum. They are so cute~ ^ ^
    Nice blog!

  4. Wow!! Hyeonjeong ~~
    you’re blog is nice~~~
    you’re good blogger!^^

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